Welcome to Brooke Tyson Photography, and thanks for stopping by! I specialize in wedding and event photography, and family, group, and individual portraits.
Please view the photos here on my blog to see some of my recent work. I look forward to meeting with you and photographing your wedding or upcoming event!
Contact: BrookeTysonPhotography@gmail.com
About Me
I am a wedding, event, and portrait photographer living and working in Maryland. I love cats and dogs, I have an affinity for all things vintage (which I inherited from my mother), I have a Master’s degree in English, I collect Fiestaware dishes, I am
obsessed with polka dots and chevron, and I LOVE taking and editing great photos.
My interest in photography began when as a three-year old, I discovered my parents’ old Pentax camera in the basement and begged them to buy me a roll of film. Film, as well as processing, were pricey, so I was very judicious with my shots, but I made sure to capture those precious, poignant moments of life that you only get once. On the last day of preschool, I persuaded my parents to let me bring my camera to school, and I took a shot of my preschool classmates and teachers lined up outside by the playground. That was my very first group shot.
In 2008, I bought my first DSLR. Instead of simply taking shots, I began creating shots. I learned the specifics of photography, and slowly began adding lenses to my collection as my skills improved. More than anything though, my passion continued to grow. There is something magical about looking back over a series of beautifully composed photos and remembering the laughter, the fun, the jokes and conversations. Photos can capture the best moments and highlights of life. I currently have three DSLR cameras, including my newest addition, the Sony a99, as well as six lenses and a variety of flashes, strobes, and other lighting elements.
I love capturing those special, irreplaceable moments in a beautiful and unique way. It is exciting to be there for those memories, and it is touching to relive them in the photographs that will hold them forever.